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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  February 5, 2013 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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the boy, whose first name is ethan, was taken last tuesday after dykes attacked a school bus in search of hostages and killed the bus driver. our coverage tonight starts with mark strassman in midland city for us. mark? >> reporter: scott, over the course of a week of negotiations, the fbi and dykes developed a routine. he would ask for supplies; they would leave them at the entrance of his underground bunker. the fbi's hostage rescue team exploited that routine to end the stand-off. this video is our first glimpse of the dykes' property, the scene of the seven-day stand- off. sources tell us, when dykes climbed the eight-foot ladder to get supplies yesterday and reached up to open the door, he was off-balance and vulnerable. agents believed ethan would be away from the ladder and relatively protected. when rescue team members above dykes saw the door open, they dropped two stun grenades. the noise and blinding flashes disoriented him. within seconds, four team members entered the bunker.
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officials believe he fired a shot at them but missed. they returned fire multiple times, killing dykes and rescuing the boy. these recent photos show ethan with his mother. she released a statement of thanks today. it said, "i woke up this morning to the most beautiful sight-- my sweet little boy. i can't describe how incredible it is to hold him again." ethan's relatives say that physically, he seems fine, but they're worried about long-term emotional injuries. scott, his relatives are worried about the possible emotional injuries. he was released from the hospital today just in time for his sixth birthday tomorrow. >> pelley: former assistant director of the fbi john miller, you've been talking to the sources today. what did they find in the bunker? >> they found bombs in the bunker. as soon as the rescue operators were out of there, the fbi bomb technician went in and started a very careful search. they founded a number of crude homemade explosive devices.
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>> pelley: any idea what dykes intended to do with them? >> you know, they were already aware of these devices, because they had managed to sneak a camera inside. they had an audio feed so they could see and hear what he was doing. between the hostage negotiators talking to him, the fbi profilers in the background, they were getting increasingly worried as dykes became more and more unglued that he would either booby-trap the only entrance, which would make a rescue attempt extraordinarily complicated, or perhaps blow himself and his hostage up. >> pelley: finally, why did dykes do this, attack the school bus, take the hostages and hold the boy for a week? >> he was a survivalist and anti-federal government activist. he wanted to rail publicly against the federal government. i think he understood, a month- and-a-half after the newtown massacre, that if he wanted to get on the national stage, kidnapping two children off a school bus-- that was his plan he only got one-- and holding them hostage would actually give him a platform where he could go on the media and say his piece. he had actually asked for a tv
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reporter to speak to. that's what they were talking about for those days. >> pelley: john, thanks very much. the u.s. justice department said today that it is suing standard and poor's rating service, accusing it of a massive fraud when it gave high ratings to mortgage investments that later plunged in value. that helped fuel the 2008 financial meltdown. investors, including pension funds, lost billions on what s&p told them were the safest bets money could buy. anthony mason has more. >> reporter: as the housing bubble was beginning to burst in 2007, standard and poor's was still giving glowing ratings to mortgage-backed securities that some of its own analysts feared would go bad. attorney general eric holder said today the nation's largest rating agency was knowingly executing a scheme to defraud investors and pump up its profits. >> put simply, this alleged
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conduct is egregious, and it goes to the very heart of the recent financial crisis. >> reporter: the government's 124-page complaint cites internal documents, like this instant message exchange between two s&p analysts. "that deal is ridiculous," the first says. "i know, right," the second answers. "model definitely does not capture half of the risk." "we should not be rating it," the first goes on. "we rate every deal," the second analyst says. "it could be structured by cows and we would rate it." the government produced emails that suggest there were people within standard and poor's who thought the ratings were underestimating the risk. >> that's true. there were lots of debates, some of them angry, some of them accusatory. this is a tough time. >> reporter: but floyd abrams, attorney for standard and poor's, says s&p's ratings were identical to the other agencies and to the projections of the treasury and the fed. >> no one there thought it would
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be anything as catastrophic as what it turned out to be. but that's not fraud. and it's fraud that the government is accusing us of. >> reporter: the civil suit comes after a three-year investigation. how difficult is this case to prove? >> the burden of proof is lower because it's a civil case not a criminal case. >> reporter: jacob frenkel is a former s.e.c. attorney. >> the fact that they're able to show deceptive conduct, whether it be intentional, reckless or grossly negligent, that's going to be sufficient to establish its case. >> reporter: the government is going after $5 billion in penalties from standard and poor's to cover losses to investors like federally insured banks and state pension funds. >> pelley: anthony, the collapse was five years ago. why did the government take so long to bring a case? >> investigators tell me typically, these complicated cases take years to build. this investigation began in 2009. in this case, the government had to go through 20 million pages
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of internal standard and poor's documents. >> pelley: anthony, thanks very much. well, we are about three weeks now from the next washington budget crisis. on march 1, an automatic across- the-board spending cut will hit the federal budget. it's called a "sequester," a term that only a bureaucrat could love. the sequester is designed to get the deficit under control, but economists are worried that the cuts are so deep, they'll trigger a recession. today, the president called on congress to pass a budget package to avoid the sequester or at least delay the shock. >> if they can't get a bigger package done by the time the sequester is scheduled to go into effect, then i believe that they should at least pass a smaller package of spending cuts and tax reforms that would delay the economically damaging effects of the sequester for a few more months until congress finds a way to replace these cuts with a smarter solution.
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>> pelley: in an interview on sunday, we asked the president about all of this. we found out last week that the economy actually shrank in the last three months of last year. if the federal spending cuts that are on tap for march actually take effect, will that push the country into recession? >> i don't know if it will push the country into recession, but here's what we know. the reason that the economy shrank a little bit, despite the fact that housing is recovering, manufacturing is going strong, car sales are up-- you know, the truth is, is that, overall there were a lot of positive signs in the economy. the big problem was defense spending was cut 22%. that was the biggest drop in 40 years. it was very abrupt. washington cannot continually operate under a cloud of crisis. that freezes up consumers. it gets businesses worried. we can't afford these self- inflicted wounds. >> pelley: also in that interview, the president said
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that he thinks the boy scouts of america should include gays. the organization's executive board will consider tomorrow whether to drop its national ban on gays. and that is creating a divide between a lot of scout families. here's john blackstone. >> boy scout troop leader steve tennant and his 16-year-old son christopher have been involved in scouting for the last five years. they are straight, but don't like the policy excluding gays. >> i have a huge problem with that. >> reporter: what did it feel like when you heard that a local troop had thrown out a kid because he was gay? >> i was shocked. shocked and amazed. appalled. i couldn't believe it. >> reporter: the teen thrown out last october was 18-year-old ryan anderson, who was about to become an eagle scout. >> getting my eagle award taken is totally devastating. hearing that it's happening to other scouts is also totally devastating. >> i can't imagine ever doing that to a boy.
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but that's what this policy would have me do. >> reporter: but others in scouting warn about quickly changing the current policy banning gays. kay godfrey is with the salt lake city scout council that has over 100,000 members. >> we were caught completely off guard with it. we've had a policy that's been in place for over 100 years that seems to have functioned, to the most part, soundly. >> reporter: in a letter to the boy scout board of directors godfrey's council urged that voting on the change be delayed. the tennants, however, say a younger generation of scouts is ready to accept gays. >> a 16-year-old scout is going on a camping trip knowing that there might be gay scouts along. does that bother you? >> it doesn't faze me at all. i don't think that there's any reason to be fazed. >> reporter: opponents of the change worry that, as some scout groups accept gays while others ban them, it will cause problems at large group events, like jamborees. there's also concern, scott, that if some scout groups
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continue to ban gays, this will open them to charges of discrimination and to lawsuits over discrimination. >> pelley: the proposal on the table for the board is that they would lift their national ban and just leave it up to local troops across the country whether they wanted to have gay scouts or not. how would that work exactly? >> it would be above the troop level, actually. the decision would be made by the sponsoring organizations. and those sponsoring organizations for the scouts include many churches-- the mormon church, the southern baptist church. and many of those groups, of course, have moral objections to allowing in gays. >> pelley: john, thanks very much. a federal prosecutor said today that lance armstrong will not face criminal charges, despite his recent admission that he took performance-enhancing drugs. the u.s. attorney based in los angeles investigated the former cycling champ last year and declined to press charges. he said today that he stands by
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that decision. an asteroid is about to have a close encounter with the earth. the super bowl blackout-- did officials see it coming? and a gold medal american skier wipes out on the slopes, when the cbs evening news continues. she's still the one for you - you know it even after all these years. but your erectile dysfunction - you know,that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache,
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>> pelley: 100 days ago, the northeast was hit by a left hook from super-storm sandy. now, new york governor andrew cuomo is proposing spendingon $400 million to buy up thousands of ruined homes so the property can be turned back into wetlands. what do the homeowners think? here's elaine quijano. >> for 11 years, joe monte worked two jobs and spent weekends renovating his statten island home. but weeks after he finished last fall, super-storm sandy swept eight feet of water inside. what did you think the first time you saw the damage from sandy? >> i came into the house with paper towels and fantastic. i stood in the middle of the room, and i called my wife and i told my wife, "there's nothing to clean here. there's nothing to do. it's done." >> reporter: monte welcomes new york governor's andrew cuomo's proposal to buy up properties like his in flood-prone areas. >> this isn't my dream.
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the poison that's in this home the destruction that took this neighborhood. how could you even stay here and live in this neighborhood? >> reporter: but about 30 miles away in long beach, new york fran adelson plans to rebuild. she too lost almost everything in the storm. why here? >> we live here.e. this is where our home is. this is where our children were raised. this is where our families are. this is where the businesses we go to are. >> reporter: she does notor support the governor's proposal for her community. >> we'd rather see cuomo spend the money on helping us rebuild than offering to buy people's property here. >> reporter: but joe monte says he's had enough. he's walking away. >> i hate that i lost neighbors i in my neighborhood. three people died in this neighborhood. i hate everything about it. i could never come back here ever again. >> reporter: governor cuomo's buy-out proposal still has to be approved by the federal government. if funding is approved, the governor's office says people
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will not be forced to sell their property, but, scott, those who stay would be offered grants to rebuild stronger homes. >> pelley: a long road to recovery. elaine, thanks very much. an asteroid half a football field long is headed for a close call with the earth in ten days. by "close," nasa means that it will miss us by about 17,000 miles. consider, that is closer than the satellites that transmit this broadcast. but nasa says there is no chance the asteroid will hit us. w the people who run the super had dome knew they had power issues. we'll explain just ahead. ahead. it's a hawk with night vision goggles. it's marching to the beat of a different drum. and where beauty meets brains. it's big ideas with smaller footprints.
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safe to use with any medicine to relieve my nighttime stuffy nose. so i can breathe better and sleep better. [ female announcer ] go to for special offers. >> pelley: tens of thousands of ravens' fans turned out in baltimore today to congratulate their super bowl champs. it was a sea of purple in the square outside city hall. and later, at the team's stadium, where retiring linebacker ray lewis hoisted the lombardi trophy. still unclear is what caused that power outage, but our jeff glor has been looking into that. >> reporter: the monday morning quarterbacking over what caused the lights to go out continued tuesday when doug thornton, the super dome's head of operations, admitted there were power problems in beyonce's rehearsals leading up to sunday's game. >> yes, we had a couple of fuses blown, a couple of circuits overload, but it had nothing to do with the power outage.
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>> reporter: still, the admission comes as documents we obtained today reveal a cascading level of concern for four months from both super dome officials and the new orleans utility company, entergy. on september 15, a super dome advisor wrote: "as a result of testing, there's evidence that electric feeders at the dome are not operating at 100% of their capacity and should be replaced." on september 19, the super dome approved $700,000 in upgrades to the electrical system. october 17-- stadium management moved to classify the situation as an emergency repair project for the protection of life or property. that allowed the typical bidding process to be sidestepped. by november 14, repairs on the super dome site still hadn't started, even though thornton called the work very important. he said repairs would begin december 16. new orleans mayor mitch landrieu is promising a full investigation from the independent panel. >> the power outage was an unfortunate moment for us.
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you can be sure that we'll get to the bottom of it. but 34 minutes of darkness will never overshadow or outshine the city of new orleans and how we performed this super bowl week. but i agree with this also that we read on twitter-- "who hasn't blacked out in new orleans before?" >> reporter: the nfl said the issues were not outages but power fluctuations. a hearing has been called by the new orleans city council for friday. we're told it will be at least a few days before a root cause is found. >> pelley: mayor landrieu-- always good for a quote. jeff, thanks very much. olympic gold medal skier lindsay vonn was injured today at the world championships in austria. vonn lost her balance as she completed a jump during the super-g event. she had to be airlifted to a hospital. we're told that vonn tore ligaments in her right knee and broke a bone in her leg. she is out for the season. we were impressed when a wounded
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warrior took up kayaking, but wait until you see what he's up to now. that's next. next. i have a cold, and i took nyquil, we end tonight with a man who had every reason to feel s liquid gel speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that's the cold truth!
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love last year, he was learning how to kayak and that's no small accomplishment because love is a triple amputee. as a u.s. recon marine in afghanistan two years ago, he lost both legs and his left forearm to a land mine. love told us then that kayaking didn't completely satisfy his need for adventure. >> i want to go skydiving soon. it shouldn't be a problem to do >> reporter: he was right. since then, he has done four tandem jumps and hopes eventually to dive solo. and that wasn't the end of his wish list. >> i always wanted to wrestle an alligator. >> reporter: "animal planet" got word of that and invited love to appear on "gator boys." >> you got it. >> the whole time i was kind of thinking, you know, i hope this gator just doesn't get tired of me being on top of him because i'm bite-sized. >> one, two, three. >> reporter: love also recently became a fully certified scuba diver. >> i feel like i can do anything i put my mind to, and for me that's way more than having two legs.
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it's priceless. >> reporter: he put his mind to surfing and was doing hand stands within minutes. and he can't get enough of the demolition derby in a car he controls by hand. >> i would say the adrenaline rush was probably the most significant -- >> reporter: the most intense of all your activities? >> yeah, it's up there with combat. >> reporter: his next adventure, going to college. it makes him more nervous, he says, than jumping out of a plane. but he's determined to succeed. you don't spend a lot of time feeling sorry for yourself. >> no. no. i mean, i don't have a reason to feel sorry for myself. a lot of times, no conversation at all, people will come up to me and thank me for my service. i see the tears in their eyes. and there's nothing -- there's
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not much that i can say. in my mind, i'm thinking i just wish these people knew. i wish they knew what i was thinking, how much i love my life. >> reporter: todd love says he's always on the lookout for a new adventure and predicts he will still be doing something crazy when he's 90 years old. chip reid, cbs news, hiram, georgia. >> and that's the "cbs evening news." for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. captions by: caption colorado >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good evening, i'm allen martin. >> i'm elizabeth cook. we're following breaking news out of sonoma county. three people have been found shot to death at a home on ross station road in sebastopol. the "pressdemocrat" reports the deceased are all men. the sheriff's department says a female relative found the bodies after returning home
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this afternoon and right now, there's no official word on whether it's a murder-suicide but investigators aren't looking for a shooter. we'll bring you new information if we get any updates during this newscast. new at 6:00, fairfield police just released this picture of a 13-year-old murder victim. this is the last known image of her taken at east tabor avenue and grande circle in fairfield minutes before she disappeared. gennel le conway allen was found dead at allan witt park friday. she was reported missing at suisun city the day before. apparently police will hold a news conference tomorrow to talk about the investigation. a battle between two of america's largest states is under way. on one side, texas trying to lure big business away from california. >> now governor jerry brown is pushing back. don knapp has a look at his war of words. >> coming to california, this is where it is. he is not going to lubbock or wherever the places are that make up that state. so -- [ laughter ]
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>> i say come on! >> reporter: that's governor brown fired up about some texas radio ads inviting california companies to come check out texas. >> building a business is tough. but i hear building a business in california is next to impossible. >> reporter: the spots tout the lower cost of doing business in the lone star state. >> see why our low taxes, sensible regulations and fair legal system are just the thing to get your business moving -- to texas. >> reporter: the radio ads come as texas launches a website called texas wide open for business. to make it easu for businesses to move there, the web offers a tab called start my move. is it just aggressive marketing on the part of the texas governor? >> some may call it aggressive. i would call it desperate. >> reporter: governor brown has harsher words. >> should i liken it to when you stand by the ocean? no. it's a big nothing. >> reporter: brown then took a couple of pot shots at texas. >> a lot of these texans they come here, they don't go


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